There is much talk now about the risks with AI and chat GPT apps. I haven't found a good chat GPT app that works yet, by searching Google Play, but I haven't bothered to pay for the one I installed, so maybe that is why it doesn't work. It's fascinating with AI though, not just chat GPT, but the androids and robots they are creating as well, that are self learning. In general I am quite untechnical and wouldn't know much about the programming or even use of the AI apps. The important discussion is however ethical. How much power over our lives are we willing to surrender to technology? We as human can feel empathy for a robot, and a robot can express learned feelings toward a human. Chatbots can lure people to do harmful things and express what seems to be a malevolent personality. Even if we stop the development for 6 months, as suggested by Musk et al., I still think it's too late to stop this. This technology is now available to almost everyone, so how long has it been available for a few and what have they done with it already? TikTok is one example, where we are lured to spend hours and hours to watch short addictive ASMR clips. We think it's fun and voluntarily too. The problem is not about possible Chinese spyware, the problem is that we are wasting our time and neglecting more important things in life. I started using TikTok to market my business, but spend way more time watching reels than marketing. Which is a small problem compared to the dystopian scenarios of AI starting nuclear wars and bringing the human race and possibly all life on the planet to extinction. If you are an 80's kid you will remember Wargames. Maybe if we talk friendly with it, it will let us live? Consider Data from Star Trek then, at what point do we start to regard AI as sentient beings? If all life and matter consists of the same building blocks, then wouldn't it be possible for AI to develop sentience of a self? How sentient is internet already? Have you heard about LOAB?
It's safe to say that we live in a strange world.
Peace & Love
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