UFO-gate and backyard aliens
As probably all of you have heard the former US 'intelligence official' ( unsure of the term) David Grusch has come forward with claims that the US has at least 12 alien spacecrafts in their possession, some which have included pilots. So we are not actually talking about UFO's as they have been identified as of non-human origin. My first impression when I saw this was that it was staged, that it was a planned disclosure. I find it hard to believe that this highly decorated person would risk his entire career. If it is a calculated risk-taking, then he is well aware that he will be able to bounce back. But maybe he lost his mind? I don't know what to make of this. It could be a 'soft launching ' of an upcoming disclosure of a more extensive contact with aliens. We all know the conspiracy theories, which this story follows. It could also be another massive global power game, to install fear, facilitate controlling measures and impose further restrictions on the population. According to the psychologist Grusch is not directly lying, seems more nervous about the material he is revealing, which could explain the contradictory headshaking when affirming verbally. This will hopefully open up for a more intelligent debate about UFO's and aliens. As I have always said, it would be a fantastic waste of space if we were alone in the universe, and highly unlikely. Then we have the invasion of the backyard aliens when a police officer in LA filmed a green bright light 10 minutes before a family called 911 and reported they had aliens in their backyard. The light could have been a bolide and family perhaps ate some strange mushrooms? Maybe the aliens that are crashing are like crash-test-dummies that are sent down to Earth like we sent up Laika in space. So many mysteries .
Peace & Love
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